May 2024 – Paul Berryman

Paul Berryman visited the society in May 2024 to a near full house, around 40 society members in attendance, and undertook a charcoal sketch of our own “PIP”.   A very entertaining evening was had, PIP being relieved it wasn’t a nude portrait and with Paul demonstrating his “3 part Method” in portrait sketching producing a souvenir sketch for PIP to take away


About Paul Berryman:

I’m a self-confessed Portrait and life-drawing junkie, my work invariably revolves around capturing the human face and figure. I prefer the challenge of working from life, and am lucky enough to do so regularly.

Although my style is very likeness orientated, I do covet reducing an image to the barest form in which it can still give the viewer a pinch of the “wow” factor.

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